Our services
We can assist you from anywhere in New Zealand as our appointments are virtual
Genetic Counselling

At Genetic Insight, we want to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best choices for you. We offer genetic counselling before and after all testing so you can decide with confidence, feel supported the whole way through and leave with a full understanding of what your results mean for you and your family.
We want to make sure that the information we give you is accurate and reliable. Our genetic counsellors are supported by a clinical geneticist (a doctor with specialist training in genetics). Their fee is covered in our pricing structure, so you won’t pay extra if their input is needed. The option of a referral to a clinical geneticist may be discussed in some instances. This could be done through the public service or in private. An appointment with a clinical geneticist in private will be associated with an additional cost.
What We Offer

Genetic Review
Interested in genetic testing but don't know where to start or if it is right for you? We offer a 20 minute consultation with a genetic counsellor to talk through your main health concerns and family history so you can feel more confident about your next steps.

Reproductive Carrier Screening
Thinking of having children or in early pregnancy and want to know the risk of your children having a serious genetic condition? Reproductive carrier screening can identify many serious genetic conditions that people do not know they carry but could pass on to their children. It is ideal for those people (individual or couple) who are planning a pregnancy, in their first trimester of a pregnancy or planning to be a donor.

Proactive Genetic Screening
Concerned about your risks of developing cancer or heart disease in the future? Proactive genetic screening can help you to get ahead by giving you information about your personal risks so you can make lifestyle changes, access additional screening or consider possible medical interventions, if indicated, to help reduce your chances of advanced disease in the future.

Familial Conditions
Has someone in your family been diagnosed with a genetic condition? If there is a confirmed genetic diagnosis in your family there may be risks for you. The risks for you and your family could be clarified through genetic testing. Knowledge of the name of the genetic condition and the results of any genetic testing carried out in relatives is helpful, but not always essential.

Hereditary Cancer
Have you been diagnosed with cancer? If so, there may be further risks for you and your relatives. A person found to have cancer because of an underlying genetic predisposition may be more likely to be diagnosed with an additional cancer in the future. Others in your family may have a higher risk of developing cancer than others in the population. Genetic testing can clarify these risks and may impact advice about your cancer treatment and future screening.
Services not offered:
Not included in our services are paternity testing, testing of the MTHFR gene, nutrigenomics, pharmacogenomics and prenatal testing. Availability of service to a client will be at the discretion of the clinical team.
*This pricing does not include the cost of testing. These are arranged at the client’s expense. Fees vary depending on laboratory used. Sometimes there is an additional fee for sample shipping. All fees will be discussed in full during the first appointment.

Genetic Review Appointment
$60 for 20 min
If you decide after your appointment that you would like to make a booking for genetic testing, $60 will be deducted from the Standard Appointment fee.

Standard Appointment
First Appointment
Results Appointment
$85 per 15min