Proactive Genetic Screening

A 45-minute appointment with a genetic counsellor to discuss genetic testing in genes that predispose us to illnesses like cancer or heart disease


The focus of this appointment is genetic testing that will provide a personalised risk estimate of your chance of developing cancer or heart disease in the future. Proactive genetic screening will provide you with information about whether your risks are similar to others your age in the population, or if your risks are moderately elevated or high. With this information you can feel confident making changes to your lifestyle, accessing additional screening or considering medical interventions, if indicated, to help you reduce your risk.

Who Is This For?

This appointment is ideal for those people who are concerned about their future health and would like more information so they can make changes if needed.

Next Steps

Once results are available, a second appointment will be booked to discuss what (if anything) was found and what your options are regarding risk reduction. Referrals to the appropriate specialist can be facilitated if indicated. This appointment can vary in length depending on the complexity of the results.

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