
Hereditary Cancer

A 45-minute appointment with a genetic counsellor to discuss genetic testing following a diagnosis of cancer


The focus of this appointment is genetic testing to potentially detect a genetic explanation for cancer. Your personal and family history are used to direct testing. The results of genetic testing for hereditary cancer can indicate a need for additional surveillance and may change current treatment options. If no hereditary cancer risk is identified, this may provide some reassurance to you and your family. If a hereditary cancer risk is identified, this can bring closure to some people as it could explain the cause of their cancer. It may also indicate an increased cancer risk in relatives who could then undergo genetic testing.

Who Is This For?

Anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, even if the diagnosis was not recent.

Next Steps

Once results are available, a second appointment will be booked to discuss the results and what they mean for you and your family. This appointment can vary in length depending on the complexity of the results.

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