Familial Conditions

A 45-minute appointment with a genetic counsellor to discuss the genetic condition in your family, your chance of inheriting it, the testing involved and what the results may mean for you and other relatives (such as children)


The focus of this appointment is ensuring you are fully informed of the genetic condition that has been identified in your family. It is important that you feel confident in your decision to access or decline genetic testing. This is achieved through an in-depth discussion with the genetic counsellor about the condition, your personal circumstances, your values and beliefs and support systems. Before undergoing genetic testing for a known condition, you will have a chance to ask questions about the condition, how it may impact you/your family medically, emotionally or socially, how it is inherited, your options if you are found to have the condition, what it may mean for having children and the potential implications for other relatives.

Who Is This For?

Anyone who is at risk of a known genetic condition previously identified in their family, who does not wish to or is unable to access this testing through the public service.

Next Steps

Once results are available, a second appointment will be booked to discuss the result and what it means for you and your family. Referrals can be made to specialist services, if indicated. This appointment can vary in length depending on the complexity of the results.

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