
Clinical Geneticist Support

Genetic counsellors are supported by clinical geneticists – doctors with specialist training in genetics

Meet our Clinical Geneticist

Dr Candice Feben

Dr Candice Feben-Small

FRACP, FCMG (SA) Clinical Geneticist

Genetic Insight uses support from Dr Candice Feben-Small, an
Auckland based Clinical Geneticist.

Her role is to review any complex results and provide medical
advice to the genetic counsellor, if required. The fee for seeing a genetic counsellor through Genetic Insight includes Dr Feben-Small’s services. This will be discussed with clients, as well as the option of seeing a clinical geneticist in the public sector, before a referral is made.  

You can learn more about Dr Feben-Small by visiting the Tiny Giants Website. 

How Can We Help You?

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I Am Looking For More Information About Genetic Counselling And Testing For Myself

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