
What are genetic counsellors

A genetic counsellor is a health professional trained at communicating complex genetic and medical information so it can be used for making informed choices about your health

How Can Genetic Counsellors Help

Genetic counsellors play a vital role in providing education and support surrounding genetic conditions.

Genetic counsellors:

  • Provide time and space to explore questions and concerns about genetic risk
  • Help with deciding whether or not genetic testing is the right step
  • Unpack genetic results and their implications for you and your wider family
  • Create space for questions to be asked and answered
  • Work with you to navigate the emotional impact of a genetic condition or genetic result
  • Provide information about managing genetic risk, accessing specialist services and support following a genetic diagnosis

Why See A Genetic Counsellor At Genetic Insight

New Zealand residents who meet certain criteria may be able to access genetic counselling and testing through the public system where healthcare is funded by the government. This is a great option for those people who are eligible. You can speak to your GP or specialist about whether or not a referral to the Genetic Health Service is appropriate. 

There are many people, however, who may benefit from accessing genetic counselling and testing through Genetic Insight. 

Genetic Insight Public Service
Appointment Wait Time
Can Be Long
Not Required
Criteria For Service Availability
At Discretion Of Clinical Team
Limited By Institutional Framework
Available Testing
More Flexibility
Limited By Institutional Framework
Appointment Fee
Cost Associated
Free To NZ Citizen/Resident
Testing Cost
Cost Associated
Free To NZ Citizen/Resident
Available To Anyone Based In NZ
Free Service For NZ Citizen/Resident

More Information

Genetic Health Service NZ

  • Find out more about the public genetic counselling and testing service available in New Zealand. This service is available to those New Zealanders who meet certain criteria. A referral from a doctor, nurse or midwife is required.

Human Genetics Society of Australia

  • Access the register of genetic counselling for more information about your genetic counsellor.
  • Access the HGSA’s policy and position statements regarding genetic counselling and testing in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Make a complaint to the HGSA about a clinical genetics service.

Centre for Genetics Education

  • Access more information about genetic testing, genetic conditions, genetic inheritance and much more.
  • Search their database for clinical genetics services throughout Australia. 

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