What Could I Learn From Genetic Testing?

What Could I Learn From Genetic Testing? Genetic testing is a journey into the very fabric of what makes you who you are. It’s a technology that can illuminate the past, inform the present, and influence the future. Here’s what you can learn from genetic testing, guided by a genetic counsellor: Understanding Your Genetic Heritage […]

Seeing a Genetic Counsellor

Seeing a healthcare provider can feel a bit daunting.
“What’s going to happen in the appointment? Will I need to get undressed? How many people will be there? What questions will they ask? Will they listen to me and help me to understand what’s going on with my health?”
I get it. I have these thoughts too. ..

Should I See a Genetic Counsellor?

There are a lot of reasons why someone might wish to see a genetic counsellor. If you have ever wondered if genetic testing could be useful for you, have a read through these examples of people who may benefit from seeing a genetic counsellor and see if any apply to you…